Legal Notice
Effective as of: 08/31/2022 In accordance with the provisions of Articles 6-III and 19 of the French Law n°2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for Confidence in the Digital Economy, known as L.E.C.N., the Users of the Agendize website are informed of the present legal notice. Connection to and browsing of the Agendize website by the User implies full and unreserved acceptance of this legal notice.
Article 1 : Ownership of the site
The Agendize website( is the full and complete property of the company Agendize sas with a capital of 223 850€ registered at the RCS of Lyon under the number 449 162 403 whose head office is located at 33, rue de la République, 69002 Lyon, France. Telephone number: 03 25 45 37 52, e-mail address Intracommunity VAT number: FR 81 449 162 403
Article 2 : Responsible for the publication
Le responsable du contenu de ce site est : Alexandre Rambaud.
Article 3: Accommodation
The site is hosted by the company OVH France, Route de la Ferme Masson, 59820 Gravelines, France. Phone : +33 (0)8 203 203 63. E-mail :
Article 4: Design/implementation
This website was created by Agendize.
Article 5 : Access to the site
The site is accessible from any location except in cases of force majeure, scheduled or unscheduled interruptions that may require maintenance. In case of modification, interruption or suspension of services, Agendize cannot be held responsible.
Article 6: Confidentiality
The site ensures the User a collection and processing of personal information in compliance with the law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms. Under the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, the User has the right to access, rectify, delete and oppose his personal data. To do so, the User must send a request to Agendize 33, rue de la République, 69002 Lyon, France. Agendize may carry out statistical analyses without giving names and may inform third parties (visitor evaluation bodies) in a summarized and non-nominative form.
Article 7: General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Agendize is committed to ensuring that the collection and processing of your data from the website complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Each form or teleservice limits the collection of personal data to what is strictly necessary (data minimization) and indicates in particular:
- What are the objectives of collecting this data?
- whether this data is mandatory or optional for the management of your request,
- who will be able to read it (only Agendize in principle, except when it is specified in the form that it will be transmitted to a third party for the management of your request),
The personal data collected in the context of the services offered on Agendize are processed according to secure protocols and allow Agendize to manage the requests received in its computer applications. For any information or to exercise your rights regarding the processing of personal data managed by Agendize, you may contact Agendize and possibly its Data Protection Officer (DPO), if distinguished.
Article 8 : Cookies
The user is informed that during his visits to the site, a cookie may be installed on his browser. A cookie is a small computer file, a tracer. It makes it possible to analyze the behavior of users when they visit a website, read an e-mail, install or use a software or a mobile application. A dialog box allows the user browsing the site to deactivate non-essential cookies if the User does not wish to accept them. The User may also choose to deactivate cookies through the settings in his/her browser.
Article 9 : Hypertext links
Outgoing links The owner of the site declines any responsibility and is not committed by the referencing via hypertext links, of third resources present on the Internet network, as well as with regard to their contents as their relevance. Incoming links The owner of the site authorizes the hypertext links towards one of the pages of this site, provided that these open a new window and are presented in an unequivocal way in order to avoid :
- any risk of confusion between the citing site and the owner of the site;
- as well as any tendentious presentation, or contrary to the laws in force.
The owner of the site reserves the right to ask for the removal of a link if he considers that the source site does not respect the rules thus defined.
Article 10: Intellectual Property
The entirety of this site,, and all its contents are protected by French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved, including downloadable documents and iconographic and photographic representations. The reproduction of all or part of this website on any medium whatsoever is formally prohibited without the express permission of the person responsible for the publication, in accordance with Article L.122-4 of the Intellectual Property Code. The non-respect of this prohibition constitutes an act of counterfeiting which can engage the civil and/or penal liability of its author sanctioned by the articles L335-2 and following of the Code of Intellectual Property.